Business owners often face the fact not enough people know about them. Attending networking events consistently to find your ideal client is key to your success
There’s a reason networking is one of the most important activities you can do to grow your business. Smart business owners network consistently to keep a pipeline of prospects flowing
Nobody started their business to struggle; find events where your ‘tribe’ attends & watch what happens. The world has changed — attend networking events to create steady connections to grow your business
Whether you find networking easier as an extrovert or difficult being an introvert, consistency in showing up is a success clue; networking gets easier when there are others you recognize and begin to deepen the connection
Do you have stacks of business cards? Learn Val’s BCBG: 5 Simple Steps process for getting your database organized to maximize your follow-up efforts
Practicing how to give a clear introduction of you & your business will have you leaps & bounds ahead of your competition; have others seeing you as the ‘expert’ with clarity of message in knowing exactly what you do
Jen Jaciw
Workspace Dynamics
I’m grateful to Val and WMAD for the opportunity presented to me. I also now have a community of resources that I can pull from whenever I have a business need. I highly recommend WMAD to any person looking to build or grow their network.
Michele Rainwater
Independent cabi Stylist
When I need to invest in myself and my business, WMAD events help keep me connected to our community and reinforces my growth mindset! Thank you VAL ROMERO for all you do for business, for Albuquerque at large, and for each of us, individually!!!
Jeanne Saxon
L'Bri Pure & Natural
WMAD….what a great group of women (and some men) I have met over the last 20 years. Thanks to the longevity of this group, the people I met “way back when” became friends and customers of mine then, and still are, the people I get to see on a regular basis, along with many new faces.
Ginna Heiden
Abstract Artist
WMAD is a great organization! I joined a few months ago and am so glad I did. The members come from a variety of backgrounds, and the speakers are always interesting and relevant. I consider Val Romero, the founder of WMAD, a new friend.
Val Romero | | 505-362-8546
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