Coming in February…

Valentine’s Networking Bash & Craft-Your-Pitch Workshop
February 14, 2025
(UNM Continuing Education Building)

Event Features:

  • Engaging Vendor Fair–shopping available
  • Vendor & Sponsorship Opportunities
  • Mini Craft-Your-Pitch Workshop
  • Indulge in a Delicious Catered Hot Meal
  • Stand-Up Introductions from the Lectern
  • Networking & Connecting Before, During & After

Unlock the power of networking with VAL-YOU Networking’s Craft-Your-Pitch workshop. Find and hone your unique “I’m known as ________” tagline giving you a concise way to convey what you do. We’ll work on adding the “Because” which provides the social proof of why you are known as who you are. It’s fun and builds confidence. You’ll have the others at your table to help you brainstorm the right words that make sense. Besides connecting with other like-minded business professionals and making meaningful connections, this event is your chance to continue honing your pitch telling the room ‘who you are looking for’ and ‘how to bring you up in conversation’—both keys to success in your business.

Leave with a new way to introduce yourself at future networking events.  Watch your confidence soar, increase your income and your impact because you now sound better as others begin to take interest in what you have to say with ‘less’ words.

All Vendor Spaces SOLD OUT

February Lunch & Learn

Enter your name and company name below, then make payment. If registering for more than one person, please enter both names/businesses.

Amount: $37.00

How many will attend?

Security Question

7 + 10 =

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Val Romero | | (505)362-8546

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