What is Women Make a Difference – Resources for Connecting Women (WMAD)?
A local organically grown networking community started in 2001 by Val Romero, a local solopreneur offering consistent networking events and other opportunities to leverage you and your business for maximum visibility.
Prior to the pandemic, all WMAD events were in-person. Val didn’t let the pandemic stop her with an immediate pivot to virtual events in 2020. 2025 hosts both in-person luncheons, virtual events and coffee conversations. The virtual events feature roulette-style speed networking making those deeper connections that build relationships and loyal referral partners, while the in-person features mini vendor fairs, expert keynote speakers, ‘crafting your pitch’ workshops, and speed networking; the ‘coffee conversations’ are a mix of just coffee sometimes at a local coffee shop or a mini presentation with someone within the WMAD community.
What does Women Make a Difference offer?
WMAD meets monthly in both in-person and virtual formats hosting two (2) events each month: in-person lunch & learn ‘Mini Vendor Fair + Keynote Speaker or a Virtual Zoom Networking and ‘Coffee Conversations’ for connecting in a more relaxed atmosphere rotating from the east to west side of town to include everyone who wants to come out for coffee and lively conversation
When does Women Make a Difference gather and where?
2nd Friday In-Person Lunch & Learn – all EVEN months (Feb 14th, April 25, June 13th, August 8th & Oct 10th)
UNM Continuing Education North Building – Room C (11:30am-1:30pm)
2nd Friday Virtual ‘Enhance Your Networking Game’ – all ODD months (Jan 10th, March 14th, May 9th, July 11th, Sept 12th & Nov 14th)
Virtual Zoom Room (11:30am-1pm)
3rd Thursday Coffee Conversations – every month
Variety of local coffee shops in metro ABQ, westside or Rio Rancho or Homewood Suites by Hilton for mini presentations (9am-11am)
Are there other benefits available when you join the WMAD community?
Yes! Get year-round exposure through our online business directory located inside the WMAD website; rank higher in Google with our 24+ year history on the web as ABQ’s premier networking community
Do you have to be a member to attend WMAD events?
No, you can attend whatever events fit your schedule. However, membership has its perks and privelidges. Receive discounts on in-person events, no charge for virtual events, a rolling 12-month online business directory listing and more; consistent networking is what begins moving the needle on your business
What’s the investment for membership to WMAD and what do I get?
$299 for a rolling year! ($29 monthly payment option) available
What do I have access to as a ‘Member’ of WMAD?
Join our exciting energy, friendships, collaboration, community, connections and camaraderie!!
Val Romero | Val@WomenMakeADifference.com | 505-362-8546
Copyright 2014-2023 All Rights Reserved Women Make a Difference